
Dozens of US Governors Receive Notes Demanding Resignation in 3 Days

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/02/2010 2:07:53 pm PDT

re: #380 ~Fianna

My understanding was that these infants were mostly poor women from very poor districts. It’s hard to breast-feed when you’re working in a factory 14 hours a day.

Not to mention who the heck knows what toxins are in the mother’s bodies. I’m not sure that women in those kinds of environments are capable of producing non-toxic anything.

The working conditions of everyone in China are pretty terrible. It’s generally worse for the kinds of jobs that women do since they’re often doing the fine finishing work - painting toys with all that lead-based paint, for example.

I hope everyone re-reads what she wrote and puts it into context. This is what we got for happily funding labor in a nation with no care for its workers.

So seriously, next time you buy some cheap stuff from wall mart, slap yourself on the back for helping to create that situation.

Really and in complete truth, starving mothers and dead babies are part of the value added to the purchase.