
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Lizard by the Bay3/30/2009 2:54:32 pm PDT

re: #386 Charles

When someone is being promoted as a “scientist,” it absolutely has a direct bearing on his credibility if he turns out to be a kook who believes in all kinds of wacky pseudo-scientific nonsense.

Being incensed about a hack being called a “scientist” I get. But calling him a liar? In my opinion, you over-reached on that one.

And if there is one thing Mrner is not lying about, it’s that you can’t trust a single thing the government of the Maldives has to say about sea levels rising.

Lets take a look at the real problems of the Maldives. It’s true, the people of the Maldives have “run out of land”. It’s called over-population. The population of these tiny little islands was 100,000 in just 1965. As of 2001, the population was over 300,000. Today it is estimated at 369,000! They have one of the highest birth rates in the entire world, all living on less than 300 square kilometers (some of which is uninhabitable).

Oh, did I mention that the Maldives is a Muslim theocracy, one that is quite wealthy through tourism and fishing licensing? So, why do they want to extort large sums of money from the West to offset their overpopulation “global warming” problem? Can you say “jizya”? I knew you could.