
Samantha Bee Recorded a Mind-Boggling Conversation About the Debate Between a Trump Fan and a Hillary Fan

Dr. Matt10/03/2016 9:06:07 am PDT

Trump Adviser Roger Stone: Alicia Machado Is A “Ho Bag”

ROGER STONE: I would have handled that debate somewhat differently. I thought he scored some points on trade and jobs particularly. He had his moments. I would have not gotten into a fight with this ho bag from Venezuela who is according to the records, filed with the county of Miami-Dade —

FERNAND AMANDI (HOST): Wait a minute, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger. Ho bag? Why ho bag? You have no issue when it comes to consensual sexual behavior.

STONE: Well I’ve seen the porno film. I’ve seen the porno film, that’s why. You can go online and see it yourself.
