
Video: Turkish PM Lashes Out at Israeli President Shimon Peres, Walks Off Stage

nyc redneck1/29/2009 7:24:56 pm PST

mr. peres said, ‘democracy is not a matter of elections, it is a matter of CIVILIZATION’
and the israelis are dealing w/ beasts who have ho idea what he is talking abt.
hamas’ official charter is ‘kill jews’
israel left gaza. all the settlers and settlements were removed.
that made no difference.
israel put 20 million dollars into green houses which the palis destroyed w/ a vengeance.
israel suffered 100s of rockets falling at random for yrs.

i hated hearing mr. peres trying to convince stupid barbarians in modern suits at a civilized event that israel has a right to exist.
and then the inarticulate bumbling asshat erdogan, walked off because peres got applause from the audience.
mr. peres was the only guy on the panel worth listening to,
fck primitive grievance theater bums in western clothes .