
ADL Condemns Remarks by Geert Wilders

Hhar4/30/2009 4:21:21 pm PDT

re: #393 zombie

But it’s not nearly as invasive and all-encompassing in Judaism. (We should clarify that: Orthodox Judaism.) Orthodox Judaism may be a way of life, but it is it not a military doctrine and make no claim to represent a complete alternate legal system, and sets up no political structure.

More to the point, Orthodox Jews comprise a tiny percentage of the population, and are not even trying to alter all of American society to be Torah-observant.

Whoa there. Orthodox Judaism does have a complete alternate legal structure. You have no idea. Also, there is Orthodoxy, and then there is Orthodoxy: “orthodox” ranges from modern Orthodox to the Satmar haredim. Military doctrine, well, Judaism puts limits on that. Political structure? That’s a bit tricky, but in its traditional form in the MidEast diaspora, yes, Jews set up semi-autonomous societies regulated by custom and law. Halakha and tradition are as encompassing as anything Islam puts out. They got that bit from us, in my opinion.