
Overnight Vegetable Video

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/13/2010 7:01:45 am PST

Good morning, LGF:

Since I just wrote it up for my relatives, here’s my lemon-prosciutto risotto recipe:


Arborio rice. (2 cup)
White wine. (1/2 cup)
Olive oil. (as needed)
Shallots. (The less they sting when you cut ‘em up, the more you’ll need. I use eight or so thumb-sized shallots on average)
Butter. (half a stick)
Chicken stock (six cups)
Salt (as needed)
Prosciutto (1/4 pound)
Rind of one lemon, peeled in long strips and cut carefully away from pith
Parmesan or Romano cheese. (to taste)
Pepper (from a grinder)

From start to finish:

1. Heat the butter in a large, quality pot. high-med heat.

2. Add the chopped shallots and toast until soft and translucent. Try to not let them brown.

3. Remove the shallots with a slotted spoon and set aside. If you have do deglaze, use the white wine and set aside deglazing mixture.

4. Add some oil, wait a tic for it to reach heat, then add the rice and toast it, stirring to make sure it’s covered by the oil. Four or five minutes is what this should take.

5. Add the half cup of white wine, or the deglazing mixture if you had to deglaze.

6. Add the first cup of chicken stock, and add the the shallots back in.

7. From here on out, keep adding stock at 1/2 cup increments or so. Stir smoothly, making sure to get the bottom.

8. Blanch the lemon rind: In a small saucepan, boil some water with the lemon rind in it. After five or so minutes, strain it and dunk it in cold water. Let it soak for another five minutes, while you boil some more water. Repeat until the lemon flavor is where you want it— this part is kind of guesswork, but the lemon should smell more aromatic than acid when you cut it. It generally takes one more boiling/dunking than you think it will, but it depends on the individual lemon.

9. When you’re down to the last cup of stock to be added, mince the lemon and the proscuitto. Doesn’t have to be unltra-fine. Add to pot.

10. Finish adding stock, taste, and add salt and pepper as necessary.

11. Serve. Add parmesan to individual portions, give a quick stir. Will be lava-hot.