
Debunking a Corollary to the Nirth Certifikit Theory

wrenchwench7/29/2009 2:54:08 pm PDT

By the way, here’s an early post from iWatas:

624 iWatas10/30/2007 3:33:31 pm PDT

Anyone who thinks Europe will possibly survive the Islamic wave and still stay politically correct is dreaming. Europe is going to have a strong fascist movement, even if the demographics probably mean it will be doomed anyway.

Still, while I might not vote for this guy, people here should not make the perfect the enemy of the good. This guy may well be a closet racist and nazi - but his positions are still much better than the mainstream “see no evil” parties.

He is right that one should be proud of, and defend, European culture. Without that, young muslims will certainly not assimilate. In this respect, VB beats the status quo.

I’m thinkin’ “troll.”