
Cooking for Vegans and Other Horrible People: Hangover Food

Decatur Deb3/14/2015 12:48:08 pm PDT

re: #37 Justanotherhuman

I was an ovo-lacto vegetarian for years, but gradually added turkey, chicken and fish to my menu as I aged. When you’re getting older and losing muscle, you necessarily need more protein since your metabolism slows down and most of us become more sedentary. I could never keep up the exercise regimen I adhered to in my 40s when I weighed less than 110 lbs.

And poor people have been eating meatless dinners for years—mac and cheese, beans and rice, etc, w/a veggie or potatoes, etc. Sometimes it’s totally necessary, not because it’s a diet you want to follow with little protein and a lot of carbs.

I was on TDY travel with a soldier from Deep Georgia. Hunting our first supper place he asked: “Do you eat vegetables?’ Turned out that meant a veggie-only meal from his childhood. Cracker Barrel worked for us.