
Stephen Colbert's Hilarious Take on Trump's Rambling, Totally Incoherent Syria Victory Speech [VIDEO]

Targetpractice10/24/2019 11:37:23 am PDT

re: #35 EPR-radar

This. The GOP’s stunt yesterday was totally unnecessary from the point of coordinating their lies, since that can already be done via the Republicans on these committees.

IMO it’s a combination of:

1) A power play, just to make democrats submit to how Republicans want things to be. Trump is all about shit like that.

2) If Republicans were to get their way on this, they would be able to turn the impeachment proceedings into a public circus, which would reduce the credibility of any resulting articles of impeachment.

#2 is really the reason why they’re so pissed at this point, that these depositions being conducted away from the public is robbing them of all opportunities to make daddy proud of them for covering for his ass. Dems who are on the committees have told the press that their Repub colleagues simply show up to either ask a few dumb questions or make some insane statement, then leave the room to bitch to the media sitting outside that there’s no “there there” and there needs to be “transparency” in the process. This has led to situations like coming out of the sealed room to find out that Donny has made a new insane statement or (as with Taylor’s testimony) insisting that Taylor didn’t see any quid pro quo while the public was reading Taylor’s opening statement saying the exact opposite.

In other words, they’re finding out just how unfun it is to be the minority party operating under the very rules they put in place to strip power from the minority party.