
Has American Thinker Saved the World from the AGW Hoax?

Ericus582/22/2010 1:09:26 pm PST

Iran to ban airlines not using the term ‘Persian Gulf’
BBC News Online 02/22/2010
Author: Jon Leyne
(c) BBC News Limited 2009.

“Iran has warned that airlines will be banned from flying into its airspace, unless they use the term “Persian Gulf” on their in-flight monitors.

The transport minister has threatened to impound planes that fail to comply.

The nation is most insistent that the stretch of water separating it from its southern neighbours should be known as the Persian Gulf.

To call it the Gulf, annoys the authorities; to call it the Arabian Gulf, infuriates them even more.”

So, beware you cat lovers who refer to your precious as “Arabian”…. they will come for you next!