
The Copenhagen Diagnosis

Guanxi8811/24/2009 5:54:30 pm PST

re: #409 dwells38

You’re on a roll RacerX! Yes legalize it and tax the crap out of it.

Pot does almost nothing to the brain (anyone who wrecks their car on pot is eithr ALSO drunk or has some other nervous system problem) ain’t no worse and probably not as bad as the carcinogenic tobacco and isn’t a gateway to anything other than the pantry (for Doritos’s!). Plus it’s about as habit-forming as cheeseburgers and fries or internet porn and gaming.

It just seems absurd to have such an innocuous drug villified while a HIGHLY dangerous and addictive drug like achohol flows freely almost on every street corner.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand the argument that just because a drug isn’t as bad as a legal drug it should be praised and welcomed. But given the fact that our nation and member states are BROKE and can’t afford to chase down and incarcerate (much less prevent) all these minor offenders nor have a prayer of a hope to control the resultant black market repercussions such as gangs and violent crime one must make a reasoned and sober decision to legalize I say.

And regulate and tax. Huge streams of revenue from that, and the consumer would certainly benefit from stable prices and high quality product, if nothing else. Americans don’t do well with booze, ‘tis true, and there are risks in introducing another intoxicant into the mix, also true, but for pete’s sake - it isn”t worth the trouble anymore. Bad economics. Legalize, regulate, and tax.