
NIH Director: We'd Probably Have a Vaccine for Ebola by Now if Not for Budget Cuts

sagehen10/13/2014 4:34:00 pm PDT

re: #417 Skip Intro

Remember the media outrage over the Wendy Davis wheelchair ad?

Here’s how the GOP does it.

GOP gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari unveiled a television ad on Monday that features a drowning child and accuses Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown of failing California students.

“When kids in failing schools begged Jerry Brown for rescue …. HE BETRAYED THEM,” reads onscreen text over video of a young boy struggling for breath in a swimming pool.

Kashkari pulls the boy from the water and says, “I’m running for governor because every kid in every neighborhood deserves a good education and a chance for a better life. Jerry Brown betrayed our kids to protect his donors. When I’m governor, I’ll fight for kids, not against them.”

This guy is considered to be a “reasonable” Republican, BTW. No media outrage anywhere as far as I know.

That’s different, because Reasons. I’m sure Dark will be along to explain the difference. Any minute now.