
Three Policemen Shot in Pittsburgh

LAobserver4/04/2009 1:25:26 pm PDT

re: #382 rawmuse

Why don’t just make smoking illegal, along with guns?

Why don’t we just bar code babies when they pop out, put a virtual Life Projector in their brain, so that they think they are happy while they live in a bubble for 85 years?

Jayzus. When I was a kid, this was a free country.

The frikkin’ do-gooders have ruined it.

just to clarify. I never said that - and I don’t want to make either illegal - I’m just pointing out that statistics can tell us useful things - we use them all the time - for medicine, public policy, sports, etc. They are the foundation of every scientific discipline. And with every public policy debate, both sides try to use them. We can’t just ignore them when they don’t support our opinion.