
And There It Is: President Barack Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/09/2016 3:54:27 pm PDT

re: #399 KGxvi

No way Trump sits back and lets surrogates campaign for him. If we have learned nothing in his 30 years in the public eye it is that he is a classless attention whore who will say or do anything for applause.

But if he campaigns at real live events, how will he handle his Twitter account? Especially with Secretary Clinton, Senator Warren, and likely President Obama all going after him at the same time?

I don’t care how little he sleeps, he doesn’t have enough time in the day for all that. He will either need to divide his time (and then come under whithering fire on Twitter without responses) or spend his time on Twitter and have Mrs. Clinton and those campaigning on her behalf making statements in public he can’t respond to in person.