
Keystone XL Pipeline Bill Stalls in Senate

Higgs Boson's Mate11/19/2014 8:48:31 am PST

re: #409 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

If you want to defend your home and family with a gun, then I guess that is your choice and your right. But to safely use a gun in a crowded public place, especially one where people are dead, wounded or panicking, requires field experience nerves of steel and a good situational awareness.

That is a skills set you cannot just buy over the counter at the local sporting goods store.

The difficulty I have with people using firearms for home defense is that any pistol round bigger than .22 caliber stands a good chance of going right through the wall or the ceiling and then through something or someone you didn’t even know was in your line of fire.