
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Gagged

425 6:47:35 pm PST

re: #402 Walter L. Newton

Reine - I don’t hate catholics, but using the information I have on this priest, I hate him. And I hate the fact that the church will give him certain leeway, I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. As a group, I don’t think you would find catholics all in his favor, so, no, I am not grouping all catholics into my comments. If that is the way you took it, then I apologize, that was not my intent.

Now, there are some people here that have made humorous comments about the church. It doesn’t mean I hate the catholic church just because I find the comments funny.

Hell, I see all kinds of jabs, jokes, and comments made, about religion and sects, here.

I see all sorts of jabs jokes etc., too, Walter, and make a few of my own.

This Williamson is a thug, not fit for the priesthood, and certainly unfit to have any sort of a platform from which to speak.

He is a holocaust denier, and a member of a group which has written unspeakably vile things about Jews.

But churches, not just the Catholic church, allow sinners into church, in the hope that the teachings of the faith will get through and the person will come to repent of his sins. That’s sort of what churches do.

This man has been “invited” back to attend Mass and receive communion. It is now up to him to make himself fit for it. If he does not, then God will deal with him.

I belong to a large parish where there are all sorts of people who I don’t like, who I think do not live according to good morals, and I simply avoid those people. But they are welcome to come to church, which is where they should be!

Your contention that we should not belong to a “group” because Williamson belongs to the same group is just unrealistic. We belong to the group because the Mass is how we celebrate our relationship with God, it has nothing to do with our relationship with Williamson.

I will simply say that as this thread wore on, your jabs and jokes became more and more all-encompassing, perhaps it is the nature of how internet communication works (type hit enter poof it’s posted). If you don’t mean to include all of us in what you say, I beg you to just recheck your words before you hit “post”.