
Another Monckton Climate Change Fraud

Pythagoras5/13/2009 6:12:19 pm PDT

re: #399 freetoken

No, his not “right”.

Look at the record of temps since the late 1800’s. You will see that there is not only quite a variation from year to year, but that in any given 7 year period there is quite a variety of responses.

There is so much written about this stuff… putting links here become superfluous after a while… but the most important, IMO, concept to grasp is that oceans directly affect the timing and lag of temperature changes.

Also, for some reason, in the denier-community there is a strawman worshipped that somehow the climatology specialists overlook the Sun. The truth is quite the opposite. E.g., the quiescent sun of last year and half, small as the changes may be, are not ignored.

Or you could look at the record of temps going back to when the Vikings colonized Greenland (and not the discredited Hockey-Stick, but a real one that shows the Little Ice Age). Seven years of cooling is a problem, not because 7 years is a long trend, but because the CO2 beleivers have been screaming that we’re on the bring of a tipping point (and in a lot less than 7 years). They’re the ones who are talking short time frames and it’s gonna be the end of them.

Anyone want to make a gentleman’s bet on Al Gore prediction that the North Pole will be ice free in 5 years?

Image: N_timeseries.png