
Chuck C. Johnson and His Neo-Nazi Friends

lawhawk3/09/2015 8:03:56 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the thawing NYC metro area. It’s sunny and finally warming up, which is good for the soul and for getting rid of the ugly mountains of dirty snow that have piled up over the past 8 weeks. It’ll be good to see them disappear, and that DOT crews can get on fixing the potholes that have taken their place.

Posting will be probably light, as life has a way of getting in the way of one of my more pleasurable endeavors. Oh well.

At the same time, my tolerance for BS has dropped down to zero. Take those opposed to the HPV vaccine for example. You’re willing to let your kids get cancer? Really? You think that it increases promiscuity (it doesn’t), but can spare them from cervical, anal, vaginal, and other cancers, plus other ailments. All for less than $500 (since it’s mostly picked up by insurance).

Yeah, I’m sure these idiot anti-vaxxers have $100,000 lying around for cancer treatments. Or more if you don’t have insurance, or several thousand even if you do. And years of radiation and chemo, and debilitation and pain and suffering to the patient and all the mental health stresses on the patient and their family and friends.

I challenge any of these HPV opponents to go to an oncology ward anywhere in the country and talk to anyone - whether they’re a cervical cancer patient or otherwise, and ask them whether if there was a vaccine available at the time they were a teen, that they would have taken it to prevent getting cancer. Every last one would probably jump at the chance - twice on Sundays.

We have the ability to prevent an entire class of cancers from happening - and yet anti-vaxxers/knuckle draggers will do all they can to prevent vaccinations of those that should get it.

I just don’t get it.

Knowing far too many people with cancer makes me sick to my stomach watching people obstruct vaccinations that can prevent a certain type of cancer.