
Climate Scientist (Appropriately) Calls Raving Denier an A-Hole

viojam12/06/2009 8:41:19 am PST

I just linked to this post via Climate Science. Wow! Most of the people here wouldn’t know a scientific fact if it hit them in the face. Or if they saw it coming, they would just duck:

The CRU computer programming language, the real smoking gun, shows just how inept and deceitful these “scientists” are. “The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering.” Clive Crook

George Monbiot called for Jones to step down and after declaring how damaging the emails are.

The inept, corrupt, bungling, wasteful UN and their politicized UN IPCC and their 2500 “climate scientists”, my arse.

The New Zealand Met has been shown to have fudged their raw station data.

NASA has to be sued for their temp data. FOI? Not to mention the “smoothing” of their station data. Why smoothing? The location of some stations is in urbanized settings. Smoothed by how much? Does that mean the rural stations were smoothed also?

The UK Met is now reviewing their temp data for the last 160 years, in response to Cimategate.

Interviewing Watson, of the Univ. of East Anglia, is like interviewing a defense attorney about his client on trial for murder. No bias there!

Most of the debate (?) here seems to come from a position that the science is settled. Gee, that sounds exactly like someone else I know. Oh yeah, the inventor of the Internet.

What a bunch of shrill parrots.

I’m appalled.