
Seth Meyers: Don Jr. Subpoenaed as Trump Lies About Mueller Report [VIDEO]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/09/2019 10:56:28 pm PDT

re: #33 Joe Bacon 🌹

Bottom line—Women need to get the hell out of Alabama, Georgia and Ohio…

This goes back to intersectionality in feminism (at least as I understand it).

Getting the hell out of Alabama, Georgia, or Ohio means the wealthy and middle-class might be able to do that, leaving poor women to the tender mercies of Movement Conservative. They are an acceptable sacrifice to anyone who argues “get out of Alabama.”

It’s the same argument liberals make about people should leave “flyover states.” Yanno, I don’t have that kind of money; my wife and I are an acceptable sacrifice.

And Movement Conservatism isn’t trying to make safe abortion unlawful in some states; they are trying to make it unlawful in the whole country. It won’t do you any good to move to Massachusetts or Colorado if it is suddenly illegal nationwide.