
In Which 278 Cellists Play "Adagio for Strings" by Samuel Barber

Teddy's Person12/31/2020 11:23:18 am PST

Trump’s biggest accomplishment. Freeing the GOP from pretending to care.

On Fox News’ Hannity Wednesday evening, guest host Trey Gowdy pitched a real softball question at David Perdue.

What is his greatest achievement was in the six years of holding office?

Purdue couldn’t think of one thing he had done for the people of Georgia.

Gowdy said, “There is a service component to the job. What about your service as a United States Senator should voters who were trying to make up their minds in Georgia, what part of your service would you like to highlight for them?”

Perdue replied, “Well, that’s a tough question.”

No, David, it totally isn’t! Source: C&L