
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

zombie3/30/2009 11:06:19 am PDT
Verdict: there may be credible scientists raising valid objections to anthropogenic climate change theory, but Nils-Axel Mrner is not one of them. He’s a raving kook.

Just because this one guy (whom I’ve never heard of) is kooky, does not mean that this particular thesis (that the sea levels are not rising) is false.

I’ve actually done a bunch of research on this topic, and in this particular case, he’s right:

The sea levels are not rising, or are rising a very tiny amount at most.

This is obvious at any location along the California coast, especially places like here in San Francisco area, where shoreline structures built in the 19th century are at the exact same position in relation to the water line that they were 140 years ago.

The sea level may indeed be going up a few inches per century, but it is nothing that any individual person would ever be able to notice in his lifetime. And ALL of the “doomsday scenarios” promoted by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth are completely laughable: he shows millions of third worlders streaming inland, fleeing from the onrushing waves. Gimme a break. If the sea levels do rise, even anywhere near what Gore is saying, it will literally be centimeter by centimeter, over decades.

Don’t discredit a theory just because a kook believes in it. I’m quite sure that Charles Manson accepts the fact the sun rises in the east every morning — but his acceptance of it doesn’t make it untrue.