
Israeli Adelson Institute Launches Website

sattv4u28/10/2009 6:21:28 pm PDT

re: #42 albusteve

if you dismiss the nirthers, and Paulians, and the religionists, does the GOP have the votes to win elections?…is this town hall dustup helping or hurting the numbers?…if they all gang up and overwhelm the dems in 2012, what kind of party will they be?…will the represent you?…can the vast number of non voting conservatives overtake the extreme right and get back to the three legged stool basics?

Good questions all

Lets look at it this way. Where else do the Nirthers, Paulinas and religionsist go in 2010 and 2012. 2 viable options. Sit it out or hold noses and vote repub (their vote going to the party NOT in power)

As for the town hallians, they are an mixture of young and old, male and female and yes, conservative and liberal. LOTS are the swing voters who can go either way (the ones that gave Obama the victory in November not as a vote FOR Obama, but rather against the party in the White House at the time). Nobody likes to be called cames and they also could backlash against the party in power especially in 2010.

Do I LIKE that the Nirthers, Paulinas and religionsists are “on our side”? . No, I would prefer they STFD and STFU, but thats not the system we have (thankfully)
Just one old guys humble opinion