
Yon: Afghanistan Election Report from North Helmand

Cato the Elder8/20/2009 4:05:20 pm PDT

re: #15 Tatterdemalian

Amen to that. I live in a country where drama is more important than martial prowess when it comes to selecting leaders, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Really? Drama? You actually prefer that to reason?

Also, the poor people are fat and rich people are dying of (self imposed) starvation.

Chortle. The skinny rich are dying? Of what? Taxes?

It’s a country that the world has never seen the likes of before, and if anything happens to it we’ll probably never see the likes of it again.

Perhaps, who knows, the world will be relieved.

re: #21 calcajun

Some societies need a lot of time and a lot more pain to reach where the west is.

Some would do well to avoid where the west is.