
Video: Climate Change and National Security

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/05/2010 6:24:51 pm PDT

re: #37 albusteve

show me where I ever said it was unimportant…show me where I’m anti AGW?…you can’t, you bowhard

Did you not just say that?

Let’s not recap. It’s all been said a hundred times?

Because you know if it’s all been said it isn’t important enough to keep taling about and all…

Steve, your ability to re-spin thing you have just said has republican grade hypocrisy. I also liked the blowhard stuff. TThe problem with you is not just that you are a trol, but a really silly one to boot. At least wait a fw comments before openly contradicting yourself OK? They teach that somewhere in troll school for the irrelevant, cranky, and not particularly bright yes?