
Overnight Video: Embrace

A Mom Anon8/05/2012 6:04:43 am PDT

Here’s an example of that horrible,awful,terrible stimulus money being just thrown away….

My son was diagnosed with autism at age 5. He’s now 18 and has one last state mandated test to take before he gets his HS diploma(which is a whole other story about stupid. A kid has 30 credits,only needs 23 to graduate and they won’t let him walk with his class at a grad ceremony or get his diploma until this test is passed OR he flunks it 4 times and he applies for an exemption and the state grants it).

Last year the state of Georgia spent 10 million dollars of the dreaded stimulus to rebuild,staff and begin funding it’s vocational rehabilitation center in Cave Springs,GA. It serves 52 young adults(ages 18-24)in a program that is literally custom designed to each individual according to need. In my son’s case,they will help him get his driver’s license,pass the test for his diploma and teach him skills to be able to live on his own. He will also learn about social relationships,money management,personal safety,and anything else that comes up he may need. All this is done at no cost to our family because they use my son’s income as the measure of cost. We could never afford it,not in a million years. If he does well there,he will be able to go on to college and Georgia will also pay for that,like a full scholarship.

There may be some who think that’s not fair. Or that it costs too much. I believe that having a kid become a productive and tax paying citizen is worth the cost. Otherwise these young people are kind of doomed to a life of low paying jobs and social ostracizing. This has even toned down my tea party parents and sister’s constant bitching about tax money being thrown away. I just wanted to share,this is the first good news we’ve had about our son’s future for a long,long time. Sorry for the length of the post.