
Video: Barack Obama Mocks 'Grumpy Cat' Republicans

A Mom Anon10/24/2015 10:00:40 am PDT

re: #415 stpaulbear

Thanks for the info. I honestly think the Dems should be there to ask questions to counter this bullshit, otherwise all the crap just goes out as fact with no pushback. The problem we have on our side of the aisle is that we don’t jump on this stuff and push back as fast or as forceful as the wingnuts do. Regardless of whether they listen to us or not, they need to hear from us, loud and clear, that we want them to do their damned jobs and stop wasting everyone’s time with this shit. Ask them where the damned jobs bills are, the funding for schools, the shit they’re supposed to do. Enough calls in a short period of time might at least make some of them think that the crazy fuckers aren’t the majority. I know they don’t care, but they should still hear from us anyway.