
Nightmarishly Beautiful Animated Film: Jo Jo in the Stars

Gus3/08/2013 9:17:05 am PST

Speaking of derp.

Conservative Blogs Think New Yorkers Can’t Read, Are Not Reading Actual Data

Seen that “80 percent of New York high school graduates can’t read” datapoint? It’s enticing. And it is also wrong — though you have to read pretty carefully to see how. Not everyone did.

The headline at CBS New York started the ball rolling: “Officials: 80 Percent Of Recent NYC High School Graduates Cannot Read.”

Since New York City — and especially its mayor Michael Bloomberg — are a favorite foil of political conservatives, it didn’t take long before conservative blogs picked up the story and started running. Over at Breitbart, a story by Ben Shapiro — the same reporter who misread the Chuck Hagel “Friends of Hamas” joke — jumped in with both feet:
