
PJTV: LGF on Media Bankruptcies

Picayune3/04/2009 12:25:23 pm PST

re: #200 lawhawk

For a personal account of the war in the Philippians and the Bataan Death March, I recommend this from a man I have known who survived the ordeal, and kicked ass through it all - “I Came Back From Bataan” , see it

In the end, while in an abandoned POW camp in Japan, he saw the Enola Gay flying overhead - heading west!

I also knew the man that “Mr. Roberts” (book, bway play, & Full length feature w/ Fonda/Lemon) was based on.

These heroes were giants, like so many previous American citizens.

I just pray that we, and the generations of Americans to come can summon the courage and moral integrity displayed by the Greatest Generation, when the time comes, and it may be more near than we would like to believe.

(excellent interview by CJ, its the bias more than techno change)