
Neo-Nazi Assassination Plot Update

chipbennett4/20/2009 3:44:12 pm PDT

re: #426 Salamantis

I would claim that the information has to be objectively evaluated without regard to its source, or whatever else the source has purveyed.

2 + 2 equals 4 even if Hitler agrees.

2 + 2 does not = 5 even if Winston Churchill claims that it does.

And an objective analysis of that information clearly shows that SPLC misconstrued the underlying data.

SPLC claimed that anti-Hispanic violence increased significantly during a five-year period, and attributed that rise to right-wing hate groups.

In reality, SPLC picked an outlying low data point as their starting point, and failed to account for population increase during the time period - accounting for which shows that such violence actually dropped by around 40%. Similarly, the SPLC report failed to account for gang-related violence, which not only isn’t “right wing”, but also accounts for the vast majority of anti-Hispanic violence.