
Video: How Can There Be Global Warming When It's Snowing Outside?

Nerdy Fish1/18/2010 6:55:41 am PST

re: #432 SasyMomaCat

So long as no one turns him on to Jessie Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theories.” That show is deranged and dangerous, IMO.

Do you think he will actually look at it? As many times as I’ve pointed folks to it and seen them retract their support of something, they never seem to learn to check it out BEFORE they forward it to half their known world.

He might. The problem is that as a deeply devoted evangelical Christian, he’ll go for anything any TV or radio preacher says, without question. I could point him to a dozen sites debunking the claims, and he’d still believe the minister simply because he’s a man of God. I admire the sentiment, but I just wish he’d stick to letting ministry tend to his faith and logic tend to the rest. I do worry about him stumbling onto ex-Governor Ventura’s program, because even though the man is a raving nutjob now, he was well-respected during his tenure as governor here, and he might actually be persuasive.