
The Fascist Ideology of 'Fjordman'

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin8/06/2011 10:24:15 pm PDT

re: #428 lostlakehiker

Well, I’m on the record with all sorts of predictions about the nomination. Here goes with another one: Perry won’t be the nominee. The reason is that the nation just isn’t ready for another TX GOP gov. There will be a sense of been there done that how’d it go last time to Perry’s bid.

And people won’t be too articulate about it, but this sense of umm I dunno I got a bad feeling about it will be a cloud over his head. Republicans will sense that even if he were to win the nomination, he’d be dragged down by that in the general election.

And so he won’t win the nomination.

Well, I think if he runs it’s quite possible. And if he doesn’t, a VP nomination is even moreso.

I look at it this way: conservatives are so rife for exploitation right now, they lionize Saint Ronald on the one hand, but would label anyone with his policies a RINO in the other.

So imo … dunno, it’s all guesswork. I have no doubt, though, that current GOTP politicians will do everything they can to crash the economy just so they can win. They are that petty, and their constituents are that stupid, that they will fall for it. Again.