
Gallup's Darwin's Birthday Evolution Poll

LoveOneAnother2/13/2009 5:46:00 am PST

It is a poor question for the educated. I would have to answer yes, even though I am a Creationist. I believe in a Creator who created the world, and evolution has shaped the species since then. I believe in Natural Selection as a currently observable process, but I do not believe that Natural Selection alone accounts for origins, so I am not a Darwinist. In my opinion, Darwin was wrong in how far he extrapolated the principles of Natural Selection. The fossil record shows a lot more non-evolution than it does evolution.

One thing the poll shows is that the propaganda machine that scientists have started to embrace for the last 20 years is not working as well as they had hoped. People tend to know deep down when something is not true. They can use the legal system to shut out competing viewpoints, but eventually people are going to wise up to what the truth is.