
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

~Fianna6/14/2010 8:16:40 pm PDT

re: #430 austin_blue

It’s an environmental wacko sideshow, as far as I’m concerned (oh, and I’m a Life Member of the Sierra Club). The best dispersant in the world is Dawn dishwashing liquid. The stuff is dynamite. A million gallons of whatever they are using as a dispersant over 50 days in a blowout that is pumping out 2 million gallons *a day* of crude is insignificant. It’s another reason that I loathe extremists of any stripe. They are counter-productive to getting things fixed.

That’s why I asked. Although, and this might be a really stupid question, is it better to have the oil concentrated in one place rather than spread out over a wider area? That might show my utter ignorance about both chemistry and about oil eradication, but my first thought would be that thicker and more concentrated is easier to track and remove.

Of course, on the flip side, thicker and more concentrated coats birds and fish and also increases the density of the toxins.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this and also for answering specific, hopefully not too silly and ignorant, questions.