
Republican Dominated Indiana State Senate Committee Votes for Creationism in Schools

Kragar1/26/2012 9:20:51 am PST

Five Missouri Democrats Discover Crosshairs Outside Their Capitol Offices

Five Democratic State Senators in Missouri discovered large, orange crosshair stickers over their office nameplates on Tuesday in the Capitol Building in Jefferson. The targets included all four Democratic women in the state senate, as well as the Democratic minority leader. One Republican state representative also found a similar sticker outside his office.

Capitol police are still investigating the matter, and some of the senators took to the senate floor to express their concerns:

“Many of us when we came back to our office this afternoon had gun targets on our nameplates. A few of the senators removed them, only to have them replaced by larger stickers later,” said Jolie Justus, a Democrat from Kansas City.

I’m sure they were just surveying markers.