
Michael Steele Gets on Pro-Life's Bad Side

zombie3/12/2009 3:17:16 pm PDT

re: #385 UberInfidel67

That’s kinda apples and oranges there. The 10 yo is not responsible for the actions of the father. But, the baby was CREATED by the act of rape. Not the same at all.

How is it not the same? It’s still a human being, no matter how it was created. According to radical feminists, all heterosexual sex is an act of rape, so where does that lead us — abort all babies?

Are you implying that a baby that was created in a way you don’t like is somehow less of a human being? Can’t you see where that leads?

If we ban all aborions but allow a medical exemption for rape, then women and girls right and left will simply claim they were raped and get whatever abortion they want anyway. And “rape” could then be expanded to “date rape” to “I was drunk” to “I didn’t really feel like doing it” to “Boy do I regret that” to “I felt pressured.” What are we going to do, stage a rape trial for every abortion? If we don’t, then we will simply have to accept the testimony of the mother/victim. And we’ll have just as many abortions as we do nowadays.