
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

under3/30/2009 4:00:48 pm PDT

“Nils-Axel Mrner, who claims that every scientist and climate expert in the world is wrong …”
“Verdict: there may be credible scientists raising valid objections …”

I haven’t read anything about, or by, Morner, nor do I have an urge to. Nor do I have an opinion one way or the other on sea levels. However, Charles, it appears you’ve adopted an Obama tactic. You refute an absurd claim you falsely attribute to a Morner … unless Morner actually said that every scientist in the world is wrong.

On Morner’s association with oil lobbyists, I’m not sure who is most likely to be dishonest, a scientist who is associated with, but not necessarily funded by, a “group controlled by energy industry lobbyists”, or a climate expert whose funding is dependent on there being a man-made global warming threat. No threat? No funding.

I have noticed Al Gore’s tendency to resort to character assassination against critics as opposed to logical rebuttals to arguments. Critics all seem to be either in bed with big oil, or all think the world is flat, or they’re just academically dishonest. So they’re all discredited, and no discussion is necessary.