
On Killgore Trout's Protest Against Racist Comments

NJDhockeyfan4/16/2012 9:30:57 am PDT

Wastewater used to heat Philadelphia facility with new geothermal energy system

Google recently detailed how it uses recycled wastewater to cool the servers in its Georgia data center, but a company in Philadelphia is now going to be using sewage water to heat a building. NovaThermal Energy has installed a wastewater geothermal heating system in the basement of the Southeast Water Pollution Control Facility in Philadelphia in what the company is calling the technology’s first deployment in the United States. The Philadelphia Water Company, of which the building is a part, manages the city’s wastewater, stormwater — and somewhat ironically, its drinking water. The 1 million BTU per hour geothermal unit uses a water source heat pump, outfitted with a filtration device, to transfer heat directly from an adjacent sewage channel and turn it into electricity, providing heat for the building at an estimated cost savings of 50 percent.

Next they will be working on the new odor problem.