
Rod Dreher Is Jumping The Shark Again...

EPR-radar8/20/2013 7:35:25 pm PDT

re: #34 HappyWarrior

It’s also worth noting that while the Nazis did have an element that took the socialist part of national socialist german workers party seriously, they were pretty much all either killed or went along with the party’s more right wing vision. I’d like someone who thinks the Nazis were leftist to tell me why if the Nazis were such a leftist entity why on earth would they give aid to Franco and not the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. Why would the Socialist Party of Germany (SPD) even urge its members to support Paul Hindenberg over Hitler and to go along with that theme, why were SPD members some of the first political prisoners of the new state. The Nazis weren’t left wing. To argue that I actually think insults the victims of Nazi Germany. That’s not to say that the Nazis didn’t persecute conservatives either, they certainly did but the Nazis were a rightist movement and remain so to this day.

An amusing example of legal inertia is that Germany presently has laws that mandate a nontrivial amount of compensation to employees who make inventions that end up having patents owned by their employer. These are protections for workers that are not commonplace in the developed world.

As I understand it, this concept was first enacted into German law during the Third Reich.