
In Which Paul Ryan's Primary Opponent Cites White Supremacist Chuck C. Johnson

majii8/01/2016 7:38:20 pm PDT

re: #29 HappyWarrior

“It’s remarkable how little he has done for someone called a policy wonk.”

The public’s view of Ryan as some sort of successful politician and policy wonk is a creation of the beltway media. When he ran as Romney’s VP in 2012 and some in the MSM began going over his actual record with a fine-toothed comb, he had to add more lies to the lies that the media had peddled about him. Remember, he was against Obamacare in public but had secured money for a new health facility in Wisconsin. He is the same dude who showed up at a homeless shelter and pretended to wash dishes that had already been washed. I remember seeing the pic and reading the article. It was a photo-op meant to make it appear as if he is very concerned about homeless Americans when their plight doesn’t bother him at all.