
Jon Stewart's Clash of the Teatans

drcordell4/14/2010 4:51:39 pm PDT

My favorite quotes from the NY Times article about the teabaggers:

“He’s a socialist. And to tell you the truth I think he’s a Muslim and trying to head us in that direction, I don’t care what he says. He’s been in office over a year and can’t find a church to go to. That doesn’t say much for him.”

When talking about the Tea Party movement, the largest number of respondents said that the goal should be reducing the size of government, more than cutting the budget deficit, or lowering taxes.
But in follow up interviews, people said did not want to cut Medicare or Social Security — the biggest domestic programs – suggesting instead a focus on “waste.”

“I guess I want smaller government and my Social Security,” said Jodine White, 62, of Rocklin, Calif.