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Amory Blaine2/28/2013 6:02:47 am PST

Contrasting law enforcers in Milwaukee:

Police Chief Ed Flynn:

Youtube Video

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke:

Sheriff David Clarke accuses county executive of ‘penis envy’

Fresh off his interview on a national radio show whose host has peddled the idea that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were an inside job (Alex Jones), Clarke is now accusing Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele of “penis envy” and is playing the race card in their ongoing dispute.

Clarke made these comments in a note (subscription required) to radio talker Charlie Sykes, his frequent sounding board. The sheriff was responding to an email from Abele aide Brendan Conway to No Quarter for a column that ran Monday about Clarke’s flip-flop on cutting the County Board.

“Sounds like a bit of penis envy by Abele in responding to Bice (Conway’s the straw man here, you know that),” Clarke wrote. “Abele is not used to taking a back seat to anyone, especially some black conservative sheriff.”