
David Brooks Smells Something Funny

Joel3/04/2009 1:12:05 pm PST

re: #438 tedzilla99

I get that, mate. I’m just saying that since the right is ignored, the kookery doesn’t damage as much as stated, because it’s all left, all the time in the media. To me, it’s more damaging to have pseudo conservatives like Buckley, Brooks, Noonan, etc. sop up the Obama-Aid whilst ostensibly promoting the right of center view than it is for wackjobs to crow about love children etc.

I agree. Even the worst of the Right (and the VDARE, Buchanan crowd are as much Leftist as Rightist) can never compare to vitriol that one finds on a daily basis on “Count Down With Keith Olbermann”, “The Daily Kos”, “Democratic Underground”, “Move-On”, “The Huffington Post”, “Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish”, “James Wolcott of Vanity Fair”, et al.