
Video: Cheney Supports Gay Marriage

jjag6/02/2009 4:01:15 pm PDT

If people have no problem with the lawful acceptance of polygamy, fine.

Just look at how well polygamy works where it is practiced….like Saudi Arabia. Would polygamy not game the welfare system?

Oh, and be prepared for other iterations. After all, if anyone can marry anyone else I see the possibility of marrying my daughters attractive given the likely estate tax laws in the future. Hey, since procreative sex isn’t an issue in marriage (under gay marriage acceptance) why shouldn’t I marry anyone I love….however I define (privately) what that love constitutes?

Hoards of men with no marriage prospects, fathers marrying daughters to game tax laws, men marrying foreign men (even if they are heterosexual) simply to get them legal status in this country, you marrying your brother to pass along your higher social security or pension benefits…..the possibilities for “mischief” are endless…..if anything goes, no?