
No Extremists at the Tea Party?

karmic_inquisitor9/19/2009 11:31:40 pm PDT

I am going to try to defend zombie for those who are looking more skeptically at him/her.

Zombie comes from an environment of unwitting indoctrination. Based on what Zombie has posted here over the years we know s/he comes from an academic background and operates largely in an academic environment in one of the most ideologically intolerant places in this country.

Zombie had a “wake up” and used many of the techniques that form much of the backbone of modern linguistics and social sciences and discovered that s/he was living in a shockingly narrow, stilted and controlling environment. Much of what Zombie posts is essentially an attempt at negation (in the Marcusian sense) against that environment.

Zombie is still there and cannot not be there. As someone who moved from that environment to southern california I found the old environment suffocating and have rediscovered that so is my new environment. But Z is still there.

So I don’t support the “cherry picking” assertion. I support an assertion of “focused”. And it is an interesting concept when you look at his/her use of taking a media picture of an event where s/he shows the event “outside the frame”.

But that “outside the frame” itself is a frame - one of Zombies choosing. One that sharpens the subversive aspects of negation. I support what Zombie does and think I know where Zombie has been. Zombie won’t be coming down to Orange County to photograph the John Birchers. S/he knows his/her place and wants to undermine its power over him/her.

i support him/her in that and confine the insights he/she provides to that context.