
The Bob & Chez Show: Generalissimo Trump

Blind Frog Belly White7/23/2016 9:26:09 am PDT

Western Civilization gave us democracy, the scientific method, great advances in our ability to feed and house people and make their lives comfortable, freedom of expression, medicines which actually work and save millions of lives daily, the most efficient devices for killing other human beings ever devised, heritable enslavement of other people based on skin color, the most ruthlessly efficient genocide in the history of the world, the deadliest wars in the history of the world, fascism, totalitarianism, institutionalized racism, the ability to destroy all life on earth in a matter of weeks, the ability to undo 10 thousand years of climatic stability that allowed us to flourish, and the ability to fool ourselves into thinking it’s not happening and/or not our fault.

I’d say rather than PRESERVING Western Civilization, maybe we ought to fucking FIX Western Civilization.