
Gallup's Darwin's Birthday Evolution Poll

Aye Pod2/13/2009 8:36:49 am PST

re: #441 A.W.

This evolution thing has really gotten you screwed up. Suddenly you are trusting Gallup? And caring what the French think of us? What happened to you, man?

It’s not just the French but the rest of the western world that feels superior to America on this subject, and with justification. How to respond to that? By recognising a problem that needs to be fixed, highlighting it and marking it ‘urgent’, or by cutting your nose off to spite your face, and making your countries collective scientific ignorance a matter of national ‘pride’? “Yeah fuck the french and them damn euros - we’re dumb as a sack o hammers when it comes to bio-thingummy and we’re still no1 - that’s jus how we likes it round here - they ain’t gonna turn us inta them with their fancy book-larning”.

That seems to be the attitude of the religious right; I’m glad Charles has taken this site in a more sensible direction.