
Overnight Plan 9

yesandno2/13/2009 5:55:18 am PST

re: #426 DistantThunder

I heard that on Rush, who played the C-span clip of a congressman who heard it straight from Bernanke and Greenspan. It was $500 Billion in just a few hours. They had to close the banks, or, he said, they would have lost as much as 2 trillion if money had been withdrawn at the same rate.

Who has the power and motive to withdraw so much money so quickly without a triggering incident like a terror attack? I’ve heard that Geithner has been in daily consult with the Chinese.

From what I understand, the Chinese no longer are buying our debt. We are simply producing dollars to buy it up ourselves….soon, inflation will kick in big time and the dollar will be devalued even more then it is now.

Get the impression, there are no serious adults out there willing to tell it like it is, give US the opportunity to help solve the problems. Instead we have trickle down condescension….