
Overnight Open Thread

lurking faith3/13/2009 5:31:31 am PDT

So, it’s back from a looming national crisis to stupidly cheery hopenchange:

Richard Parsons, chairman of beleaguered Citigroup Inc., asked if Obama could offer some help in a national battle “between confidence and fear.”

“A smidgen of good news and suddenly everything is doing great. A little bit of bad news and ooohh , we’re down on the dumps,” Obama said. “And I am obviously an object of this constantly varying assessment. I am the object in chief of this varying assessment.”

“I don’t think things are ever as good as they say, or ever as bad as they say,” Obama added. “Things two years ago were not as good as we thought because there were a lot of underlying weaknesses in the economy. They’re not as bad as we think they are now.

[emphasis mine]

Wow, the President finds himself under scrutiny during these bad economic and diplomatic times. Quick - somebody call the waaaaambulance!

Oh, and I’m so relieved to hear that he thinks everything’s gonna be ok. Yep, that totally makes my lack of employment and the exceedingly low level of professional job postings not bother me anymore.