
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Bails on Donald Trump

Donna Ballard12/09/2011 7:57:47 am PST

re: #440 Obdicut

No, that is absolutely not true. There are many, many countries in Europe where private ownership of guns is heavily restricted, but the citizens are not ‘forcibly silenced’.

Oh really? Hmmm, seems to me that if they speak out they tend to loose their jobs and income then disappear from the public eye. Is that not forcible? Or they just quietly frighten them into shutting their mouths and the world is none to the wiser about it. I have friends all over Europe and I hear a lot of whats going on over there, and this seems to be a re-occurring theme. One day their protesting the next all you hear is silence. How do you suppose their accomplishing that? I for one would sincerely like to know, no sarcasm intended or conferred.